Devotional – God Knows Best


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

The other day the insole of my slipper kept sliding up so I decided that I would have to take care of the problem. I thought to myself that some Patex would probably do the trick so I set out to buy a tube. Before that however, I called around to different stores in order to compare prices. I finally decided to make my purchase at a pharmacy near to my home.

I arrived at the pharmacy but to my disappointment it was closed.  Then I had the idea that I could check at the store at the gas station near to me. I thought it was a long shot but decided to give it a try nevertheless.

On entering the store, one of the first things I noticed at the cashier’s section was the packets of Crazy Glue hanging from a rack. Immediately I realized that this was exactly what I needed. Crazy Glue, not Patex. I gladly bought my Patex and left the store feeling quite relieved, as I realized that buying a tube of Patex would have been a waste of money. Suddenly I realized that the disappointment of finding the pharmacy locked had been a blessing in disguise.

As I reflected on the experience I realized that it had a spiritual parallel. Oftentimes in life, we set out on a path to achieve something and fail, or we make plans which fail to materialize and we become disappointed. But we need to remember that God has a perfect plan for each of us. As long as we have entrusted ourselves into His care, we can be assured of His guidance. His Word says that He orders the steps of the righteous. The disappointments that we face often open the door for God to give us something better than we had bargained for. Ephesians 3:20 it says that He can do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or imagine.

Let us surrender to His will and His ways. After all, He knows best. He sees the bigger picture of our lives and He knows what to give us and when. He also knows what is good for us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.


1.How do you react when things do not turn out the way you planned?

2. What lesson(s) could God be teaching you through your disappointments?


Father, I thank you that you order our steps as long as we trust in you. Help us to remember that you have a plan for our lives and that you will cause all things to work together for our good and your glory. Amen.

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2 responses to “Devotional – God Knows Best”

  1. Karen Avatar

    I always think of the phrase “every disappointment is for a good reason”
    I always think of the positive when I get delayed that “God was protecting me from something”
    I usually try to be positive and trust God in everything.

  2. Lona Isaacs Avatar

    That's the right approach Karen. God is always at work in the details of life. Be blessed.