religious slogans about jesus

Salvation Saturday – Prepare to Meet Thy God

Therefore this is what I shall do to you, O Israel;
Because I will do this to you,
Prepare to meet your God [in judgment], O Israel!”

Amos 4: 12 – (Amplified Bible)

On Saturday January 18, 2025, I attended the funeral of a dear friend who recently succumbed to brain cancer. While I am saddened at her passing, I do not mourn as one without hope because she knew the Lord, so I knew we will see each other again.

The sermon delivered at the funeral was simple but profound. The speaker emphasized the importance of preparing for eternity as after death, all chance of repentance is lost. He highlighted the fact that many people have misplaced priorities. They spend time preparing for transient things that are transient and will one day come to an end – career, marriage, retirement. Very little thought is given to things the things that will last, the things that are eternal, the things that will never end, chief of which is the question of where one will spend eternity. Very few prepare to meet God. To quote a line from a gospel song – Jesus is the answer but the question is – where will you spend eternity? Another line from the song says eternity’s too long to be wrong.

image 8 Salvation Saturday - Prepare to Meet Thy God

Other highlights from the message were:

  1. You must recognize that you are a sinner in need of salvation.
  2. Recognize that Jesus is Saviour and that you cannot save yourself.
  3. You are responsible for your own salvation – you have to get to know God for yourself – nobody’s salvation can save you
  4. On the day of judgement you will have to give an account for yourself.
  5. There is a way that seems right to man but ends in death
  6. What does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?
  7. Those who plan to repent at 12:00 pm might die at 11:59 am.

These were sobering words, which reminded those in attendance to prepare to meet God by carefully examining their lives in an effort to ensure that all is well with their soul.

Reflect on the words of this song as ponder this message in your heart. Repent before it is too late. Prepare to meet thy God.

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