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Testimony Tuesday – God’s Lavish and Abundant Love

About 2 years ago I started seeing the number 426. It started off with me just randomly looking at either my watch, computer or the phone at my desk at work and seeing that it was 4:26 pm. After this happened a few times, I realized that it was not a random occurrence. I eventually mentioned it to my coworker who sits behind me. Soon it became a little joke between us. Invariably, I would glance at one of the instruments mentioned and sure enough, it would be that time. I would then say to her, “guess what time it is?” And she would say, “4:26.” and we would have a good laugh about it.

All of this stated in about February 2023, so eventually I started to wonder if 426 was pointing to the 26th day of the 4th month, i.e. April 26, so I started to think that something would happen on that day. The day came and went and nothing of significance happened, so I laid the matter to rest, thinking that it was just a coincidence.

For a while, things went back to normal and I thought that was the end of it, but in 2024, it started again and continues to this day. The only difference is that now, it has taken on a new dimension. Instead of just 426, I am seeing other numbers with 26. Now at random I glance at my phone or laptop and its 26 minutes past the hour. So, I see 12:26, 1:26; 3:26 etc. and this happens daily. In addition, I see 26 by itself as well. So, for example, I send or receive a WhatsApp message and its 26 seconds long. Or I am reading a post on social media and there are 26 comments. Or I look at my email icon on my phone and there are 26 messages across all my email accounts.

I knew something was up. I realized that God was speaking to me through those numbers but I had not been understanding, hence the frequent sightings. I reached out to a Pastor to discuss what was happening and what God could possibly be saying. She directed me to a website which is geared towards biblical teachings on the meaning of numbers. In addition, sent me a Whatsapp voice note giving some insights as to what she thinks that God could be saying. Guess what, her voice note was 4 minutes and 26 seconds long….426 again! We both discovered the significance at the same time and messaged each other at the same time about it. God was indeed speaking!

I visited the site and read some of the information there and saw that 426 could speak to generational blessings but still felt like something was missing. I was still seeing numbers, particularly 26 with other numbers so I decided to do another search.

Then, I discovered Bible Hub, an online bible study tool which provides the scriptures in different translations, along with commentaries as well as the Strong’s Bible Concordance. I began my quest to find out what message these numbers were conveying to me and was blown away by the results which are as follows:

image 9 Testimony Tuesday - God's Lavish and Abundant Love

26 is the Greek number for agape love or God’s unconditional love. In the Hebrew it relates to the name Abigail, which means, source of joy or God my father is joy. Abigail was a woman of the Bible who was known for her wisdom, beauty and peace making abilities.

426 in Hebrew is the word elah which means God, while in the Greek it is anetazo, which means to question, examine or investigate thoroughly.

Now, this is music to my ears as, for most of my life, I have struggled with receiving and understanding God’s love for me. It was only recently through counselling and mentorship that I have begun to grasp the concept of His love and getting a deeper revelation of it. The fact that I am seeing these numbers repeatedly is an indication of God’s constant love for me. He reminds me everyday, multiple times per day. Even this morning as I journeyed to work, I saw the number 26 in a few license plates. Now, each time I see that number I smile and thank Him for loving me.

I believe that God is also reminding me that He is my source and joy. He sees me as an Abigail, a woman who was beautiful, wise and a peacemaker. That is God speaking to me in one of my love languages – words of affirmation. Find out more about the 5 Love Languages here.

It is also a call from Him to dive deeper into understanding His abundant, lavish and unconditional love for me. He doesn’t express His love once, but over and over, lavishly, so that it cannot be denied. In the words of a gospel song, Oh the overwhelming, never ending, reckless love of God…… (click here) I am basking in His love because His love is the best love there is. His love gives me peace and joy which the world cannot give and cannot take away.

426….a call to a deeper examination and investigation of His unsearchable love for me, which is vast, infinite and surpasses all human understanding. That love extends to you too. Are you ready for the journey? I certainly am!

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6 responses to “Testimony Tuesday – God’s Lavish and Abundant Love”

  1. Karlene Avatar

    God’s love truly abounds towards His people. Funny enough today’s scripture on YouVersion Bible app speaks to Jesus discussing the lost sheep. How He would go in search of the 1 that was lost. This just speaks to His love for all and not wanting to leave any of us behind.

    1. Lona Avatar

      Amen sis. That was a move of the Spirit. His Word is always on time.

  2. Percival Avatar

    Great blog celebrating God love today and always

    1. Lona Avatar

      Thanks Pastor Percy. God is truly amazing. He continues to speak until we get the message. What love and patience!

  3. KB Avatar

    Thanks for sharing this testimony as it speaks to me about persistence and God’s insistence to meet us in ordinary everyday circumstances; as well as the need to question and investigate thoroughly
    Encouraging and enlightening!

    1. Lona Avatar

      It’s just an awesome feeling to know that He loves us and that we can be secured in this love. Thanks for stopping by and joining in the dialogue. God bless you.

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