Words of Inspiration – Things Can Change in an Instant


It was very bleak and
dreary when I left home for work one morning. If I had allowed myself to be
influenced by what I was seeing, I would not have taken the first step to start
the journey. But duty called and I had to be at work, come what may. So, with a
heavy heart, I set out on my journey. I would rather be in my bed, but I
had to press past what I was feeling in order to accomplish the task at

Several minutes into my
journey, I noticed that the conditions remained the same. It was shaping up to
be a rainy, dark and gloomy day. Not the condition that would entice anyone to
venture outside. I began to condition my mind for what lay ahead for the rest
of the day.

As I rounded a corner, I
was met with the most beautiful rainbow and the brightest sunshine ever.
Instantly my mood and outlook changed. I totally forgot what was behind me and
looked with joy and great expectation to what was in front of me. What was
behind me was no longer important; what was before me was much more appealing.  I could see the possibility of a glorious day
and the thought filled me with hope. Things had changed in an instant! The dark
clouds were behind me but more importantly, sunshine was ahead and that made all the difference.

Are you having dark,
cloudy days? Do you wish you could stay in bed all day instead of facing the
tasks at hand? Does it seem to be raining all the time? Do you feel that there
is no hope for you? Don’t be fooled. Acknowledge these feelings for what they
are but be assured that they too will pass. Nothing lasts forever.

In an instant, the sun can
burst through the clouds, bringing hope and a fresh new start. The doom and
gloom will be replaced by silver linings and new beginnings. Do not dwell on
the past. Forget what is behind you and move forward with confidence. Walk boldly into the future
and possess your possessions, knowing that it is well with you. Do not look
back. Keep pressing forward. You were born to win and nothing – no dark clouds,
no rain – can stand in your way.

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2 responses to “Words of Inspiration – Things Can Change in an Instant”

  1. Patricia Long Avatar

    Amen, thanks Lona and may the Peace of Jesus Christ be continually with you.

  2. Lona D. Isaacs Avatar

    You're welcome, my sis. Be blessed.