WORDS of INSPIRATION – There’s An App For That


In today’s world, with the information superhighway, any information that you need is now at your fingertips, and can be quickly found by checking Google or
YouTube, or personal assistants such as Siri and Alexa. Better yet, as the popular saying goes, ‘there is an (application) app for that.’ Apple, in 2009, registered and
immortalized the phrase’ there’s an app for that’ in relation to the wide range of apps available for its iOS devices and was used in an advertisement for
its iPhone.

As the saying goes, the more things change, the more they remain the same. There is an App,  written thousands of years ago, that has stood the test of time and is as relevant today as it was then. Interestingly, this App will continue to be relevant for years and decades to come.

The Bible, God’s App for mankind is His letter to us, outlining His abundant love which he has lavished on us, making us His children as long as we are willing to accept the offer. It is His manual that serves as a guide to daily living, imploring us to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. 

The Bible is relevant to every area of life. It is chock-full of wisdom and from which we can gain knowledge and understanding. From sin to salvation, from relationships to finances and everything in between, the Bible, God’s App is the one-stop shop which gives us all the instruction and guidance that we need.

Get your App today. Use it each and every day. Let it not sit on a shelf and gather dust. Glean its pages, and meditate on its words of truth day and night, so that you will have good success and prosperity.

Do you need to be firmly planted and succeed in all your ways? Do you need solid words which to live by? For the babe in Christ there is milk, and for the mature in Christ there is hard food.  All that you need for life and godliness is found therein.

Whatever you need, there is an App for that. It’s called the Bible. Read it today. Read it always. 



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10 responses to “WORDS of INSPIRATION – There’s An App For That”

  1. Patricia Long Avatar


  2. Anonymous Avatar


  3. Lona D. Isaacs Avatar

    Blessings sis

  4. Lona D. Isaacs Avatar

    Blessings to you

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    This was so refreshing and timely. God is surely reminding what my true order of business should be about. I need to Re plug to this awesome Ap. Thanks for sharing ❤️

  6. nicola walker Avatar

    Well said

  7. Lona D. Isaacs Avatar

    Thank you so much. God's App provide all that we need to live our lives and so it should always be our first point of reference.

  8. Lona D. Isaacs Avatar

    Blessings my sister. Thank you.

  9. Anonymous Avatar


  10. Lona Isaacs Avatar

    Blessings to you too.