Words of Inspiration

Watch the Finish: Keep Pressing

Boxing Day started off on a rainy note. It seemed that
the planned family gathering would not materialize. It rained and rained. It
stopped and then it started again. The skies were gray and all seemed lost.

But eventually, the rain stopped. The sun came out. The sky
was blue. Lazy clouds drifted by. There was a gentle breeze. The early rains
were now a forgotten bump in the road.

My siblings arrived one by one. We talked, we laughed, we ate.
We had a good day together. Who would have thought that it would have ended
like this? The rain came, but it did not have the last say. It came to pass.

So it is with life, my friends. Your beginning may be
tumultuous. Things may seem impossible, but great things lie ahead. Do not
allow a temporary situation to cause you to lose sight of your permanent vision.
Go through the storm. Go through the pain. Go through the challenges, the hurts, and disappointments. Keep going. Don’t stop.

Use your obstacles as steppingstones. Your storm will end.
On the other side, there is joy; the sun shines; the sky is blue; lazy clouds
drift by; there is a gentle breeze to refresh you. It WILL work out,
someway, somehow. Look to the finish line. Keep pressing. It will be worth it.
You’ll see.


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2 responses to “Words of Inspiration”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Indeed, we keep our eyes on the prize and keep trusting. He knows the end result…..dismal and uncertain it may seem.

  2. Lona D. Isaacs Avatar

    It's so comforting to know that He sees the end from the beginning and will always make a way for His children