Staying inside for too long often brings on a feeling of claustrophobia or cabin fever. The antidote is simply a change of location, to get outside, if only for a few minutes. Being outside has numerous benefits for our physical and mental well-being! Some of these benefits include: 1. Vitamin…

  • Think on these Things – Think About What You Think About

      How is your thought life? Have you ever taken time to think about what you think about? These are important questions that we need to ask ourselves. In the hustle and bustle of life, the things that matter are often overlooked, as we busily try to complete our to-do…

  • Testimony

      In 2013, I was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia ( thickening of the uterine lining) and had to do a minor medical procedure to correct the condition. The problem surfaced again in 2020; this time, it was worse than in 2013. My gynaecologist insisted on repeating the procedure and I…

  • Devotional – Jumping to Conclusions

      Don’t jump to conclusions – there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw. Proverbs 25: 8 (MSG) There is a saying that if jumping to conclusions was an Olympic sport, many of us would be gold medal winners. This is a funny but very true…

  • Devotional – God Knows Best

      And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 The other day the insole of my slipper kept sliding up so I decided that I would have to take care of the problem.…

  • Devotional – Restoring the Broken

    Jeremiah 18:4  And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do. I lifted the lid off the toilet tank to check why it was not filling up with water…

  • Think on These Things – Expansion

      Has this ever happened to you? You buy a newer, larger cell phone and then the old one looks so small.  You wonder how you were so comfortable with that little thing all this time and why you took so long to upgrade. Or another scenario: you leave your…

  • Think on These Things – Take Care of the Elderly

    It pains my heart to see elderly persons on the road seeking assistance from strangers. This is not a fate that should be suffered by anyone, especially the elderly, who have often worked hard to provide for their children, many of whom are now grown and have left their parents…

  • Think On These Things – The Gift That Keeps on Giving

        In 2014, I acquired a hospital bed for my ailing father. He was totally bedridden and couldn’t help himself, so everything had to be done for him. It was becoming increasingly difficult to care for him on his regular bed and so my sister suggested that we purchase…

  • Devotional – Doing Good Works

    For we are his workmsanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2: 10 I needed a few items at the hardware but kept forgetting to visit one close to my workplace, so having made a doctor’s appointment, I…