Category: Health and Wellness

  • The Benefits of Sleep

    The Benefits of Sleep

    Learn about the importance of sleep in today’s Wellness Wednesday feature.

  • Wellness Wednesday – Sleep Tourism

    Wellness Wednesday – Sleep Tourism

    Hello one and all. It’s another beautiful Wellness Wednesday, when we delve into health and wellness matters which provide you with new information and ideas to inspire you on your journey to good health. Remember, health is wealth. Last Friday I had a conversation with a co-worker, which unearthed some…

  • Soothing Sunday – Rest and Relax

    Soothing Sunday – Rest and Relax

    Today is Sunday, Soothing Sunday, and as such, it is time to kick back, let down your hair (literally or figuratively) and relax as you prepare to take on the week ahead, with all its challenges, opportunities and uncertainties. Chase away those Monday morning blues before they even surface. Rest…

  • The Father Wound – Excerpt from Chapter 5, Memorial Stones Vol 2

    The Father Wound – Excerpt from Chapter 5, Memorial Stones Vol 2

    The father wound is real and painful. Thank God I overcame. You can too!

  • Reducing Clutter

    Reducing Clutter

    Where can you reduce clutter in your life? I have lots of clothes in my closets and drawers which I have not worn in a while. It’s time to get rid of them and make space for newer clothes. I may not even need more clothes, come to think of…

  • Living a Long Life

    What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life? I have no problem with living long if I am in good health and not dependent on anyone to take care of me. Long life is also a blessing. It’s one of the rewards of honoring your…

  • Indulging my Inner Child

    What was the last thing you did for play or fun? The last thing I did for play/fun was swinging at the children’s play área in my community. I did this after exercising at the adjoining playfield. Sometimes you have to indulge your inner child. I felt free and relaxed…

  • Treatment of Sleep Apnea

    Treatment of Sleep Apnea

    In today’s Wellness Wednesdays feature, I will continue to look at the issue of sleep apnea, specifically, at the types of treatment that are available. The standard treatment is the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, commonly known as CPAP. Trust me, this one is a hard nut to crack…

  • Physical Exercise

    What are your favorite physical activities or exercises? I have been walking consistently for about 5 years now, but since the last 3 months, I have incorporated weight and strength training twice per week. The results have been awesome. I feel more energized and I feel better about myself.

  • Sleep Apnea

    Sleep Apnea

    Sleep apnea is a very common sleep disorder, but unfortunately, many people suffer from the potentially fatal condition, without being diagnosed. Today in this Wellness Wednesday feature, we will take a look at this condition, learn how to recognize the symptoms and get the help that is needed. I was…