Category: ‘Testimony’

  • Testimony – A Blessing in Disguise

    Testimony – A Blessing in Disguise

    This is a lesson on being a good steward of what God has entrusted into our hands. I pray that you will earn the lesson too.

  • Testimony Tuesday – God’s Lavish and Abundant Love

    Testimony Tuesday – God’s Lavish and Abundant Love

    About 2 years ago I started seeing the number 426. It started off with me just randomly looking at either my watch, computer or the phone at my desk at work and seeing that it was 4:26 pm. After this happened a few times, I realized that it was not…

  • Testimony Tuesday – Seeing God in the Little Things

    Testimony Tuesday – Seeing God in the Little Things

    Today is Tuesday and so its time to share another testimony of God’s faithfulness. It may seem small and not worthy of mention, but I have learned to give thanks for even the smallest things. I have learnt to see God in the little things and that has made a…

  • Testimony Tuesday – Unexpected Blessings

    Testimony Tuesday – Unexpected Blessings

    The Bible says that in everything we must give thanks, because it is God’s will concerning us. For today’s Testimony Tuesday feature, I will share with you how God showed up for me in an unexpected way. Two weeks ago, I was out for my morning walk with my friends…

  • Testimony

    It’s Tuesday, so it’s time to testify! Before they call, I will answer.. Isaiah 65:24 I was in church two weeks ago when, out of nowhere, the thought came to me that I needed a pair of shoes. I made a mental note to visit Payless as soon as I…

  • Testimony – Double Portion

    Testimony – Double Portion

    In today’s Testimony Tuesdays feature, I share how I boldly declared the Word and received a double portion. Recently, I underwent a medical procedure. I was required to pay the full cost up front and then make a claim on my health insurance. That depleted my account, and so I…

  • Testimony – Defying Battery Lifespan: My 33-Month Journey

    Testimony – Defying Battery Lifespan: My 33-Month Journey

    A few months ago, I remembered that I had not taken my car for a battery check since I made the purchase in February 2022. When I bought the battery, I was told that to ensure proper maintenance, I was to return in three months to have it checked. Life…

  • Overcoming Birthday Anxiety: A Personal Testimony

    Overcoming Birthday Anxiety: A Personal Testimony

    This morning as I did some housework the Lord dropped something into my spirit. He reminded me that my birthday was 4 days away and I was not in a state of anxiety. This may sound strange to you as you are probably wondering, who gets anxious at the approach…

  • Chapter 2 – Driver…… (An Excerpt from Memorial Stones, Vol. 1)

    This week I will share an excerpt from my book Memorial Stones, Vol.1. I hope this whets your appetite for more, pushing you to make your purchase if you have not yet done so.

  • Devotional – Seeing God in the Little Things

    Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24 (NIV) It’s amazing how God often shows up in the simple and seemingly insignificant things of life. Two recent incidents in the past two days have securely cemented this fact in my mind and…