Devotional – Be Present



Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

I had a good laugh at myself a few days ago. I was doing a few pieces of laundry by hand, but my mind was miles away. I was operating on autopilot, totally preoccupied with other things and not giving  much thought and attention to the matter at hand. When it was time for the final rinse, I threw what I thought was fabric softener into the water. It was only when I started rinsing the clothes and the smell hit me that I realized that what I had thrown in was actually….. disinfectant! Yes, I was sure that I had taken up the bottle with the fabric softener but I had been fooled. My lack of concentration had led me to choose a counterfeit. It looked like a fabric softener, but it was not the real thing. Looks can certainly be deceiving.

Being a person who has a sense of humour, it was easy to laugh at myself. But I quickly sobered up when the Lord opened my eyes to a spiritual parallel to the situation. So many of us, myself included, are sometimes half-hearted in our pursuit of the Father. When He calls us into his presence, we are preoccupied with the cares and trials of this world. We focus on our problems, cares and concerns, thus magnifying them, leaving no room for God.  

This reminds me of a line from a song that says, your body’s here with me but your mind is on the other side of town. Who wants to be with someone who is constantly distracted? No one ever. Time together should be time for fellowship. It should be a time when we forget everything else and give full attention to the one with whom we are spending time. 

Time spent with God should be devoted to worship, adoration and prayer. We should be totally focused on Him. Anything less is an insult to Him. As his children, we are called to be still in His presence, to acknowledge Him for who He is and give Him our all. We must be true worshippers who worship Him in Spirit and in truth. As the song says, we must worship the Lord with all of our hearts, give Him our all and not just a part.

Let us resolve to get rid of the distractions and focus totally on Him. As we turn our gaze upon Him the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace. The distractions will fade away and then we can hear fully and understand the things He wants to reveal to us. When we come away to the secret place with Him, quieting our hearts and minds before Him, He gives us a time of refreshing which we cannot experience when we are overtaken by the hustle and bustle of life.

Be present. Be still. Know that He is God.


Have I been distracted when I spend time with God?

What can I do to make my time with Him more meaningful?


Father forgive our foolish ways. We have often been distracted when we come into your presence. Help us to put you first in everything. Help us to be still before you and acknowledge you as God so that you can pour your life and your truths into us. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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