Devotional – Doing Good Works

For we are his workmsanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2: 10

I needed a few items at the hardware but kept forgetting to visit one close to my workplace, so having made a doctor’s appointment, I decided to visit one that was quite close to the location. I arrived early for my appointment so I decided to make use of the waiting time. The hardware store was only about two minutes away so I decided to walk instead of driving as that would be good exercise.
I got to the store, ready to make my purchase, but alas, the building was empty. The door was open and I could see signs of renovation taking place, but there was no one there at that moment. Disappointed, I turned back and as I walked, I saw a blind man trying to navigate his way on the uneven sidewalk. I saw that he was about to collide with a light pole and so I called out to him. I guided him away from the obstacle and then enquired where he was heading. We were both going to the same plaza and so he eagerly held onto my shoulder and asked me to accompany him. I obliged. I walked with him to his destination and then headed to the doctor’s office.  
This was my first encounter with a blind person on the street and I felt good that I was able to give him the assistance he needed. As I replayed the event in my mind I could see that this was no chance encounter. It was God-ordained. He saw in advance that this gentleman would have needed assistance at that time on that particular day and had chosen me, of all the other persons on the road at that time, to be the one to take on that assignment.
God had ordered my steps. There are so many things that could have caused a different outcome but God had it all planned. He had chosen me, so I could not have gone to another hardware store on any other day. The one that I went to could have been opened and I would have been there making my purchase and would not have encountered this man. I could have driven, instead of walking. God closed all the wrong doors and kept the right ones open in order for His purpose to be fulfilled. Before the foundation of time, He had prepared a good work for me to do on Monday, September 18, 2023, and as I allowed Him to order my steps, I was able to walk in that good work. He caused the disappointments to work for good.
This is a lesson to us all. We need to be sensitive to the move of God. He has prepared us, His children, to do good works and so we should always be ready to move when He instructs us. Even if we do not hear a given instruction from God, we should always do good, as long as there is an opportunity to do so. We can never go wrong. It pays to do good. I encourage you to do all the good, in all the ways you can, to all the people you can, as long as you can. In that way, you will fulfill part of His purpose for your life.
1. Is there someone who needs my help today?
2. What can I do to be a blessing to that person?
Father, thank you that have blessed us so that we can be a blessing to others. Help us to be sensitive to those who need our help and do so willingly and joyfully. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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4 responses to “Devotional – Doing Good Works”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    This was an encouraging word! Blessings.

  2. Lona Isaacs Avatar

    Amen. I am happy that you were encouraged.

  3. African Queen Avatar

    I felt enriched by your posts. We are the Mouthpiece, hands and feet for Jesus. God add His blessings to you daily and continue to do your best for the Lord.

  4. Lona D. Isaacs Avatar

    Thank you sis. We must always be willing to be used by the Lord. Have a blessed day.