Devotional – Read the Manual


Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might
not sin against thee. (Psalm 119:11)


November of 2014 I bought my first smartphone, and it was then that I realized
how incredibly low tech I was – well at least, when it comes on to smart
phones. As I tried to navigate my new phone, I grew increasingly frustrated as
I had no manual to guide me, and I did not know what to do.  I had been under the assumption that a manual was
part of the package when I bought the phone, as I was accustomed to. But when I
got home, I realized that I was wrong. The leaflet in the box contained very
basic information about the phone. It was by no means an in-depth guide, thus I
was clueless how to even make or receive  

reading the fine print, I realized that a complete manual could be downloaded
from the manufacturer’s website. Joy! After downloading the manual and doing
some reading, I was better able to navigate the phone. I was now able to do the
things I couldn’t do before.   I could
make and receive calls by following the procedures, not doing it how I felt it should be done. The manual
made all the difference.

It’s the
same way with the Christian life. We sometimes end up in difficulties because
we try to do things on our own and in our way instead of reading the manual –
God’s word. In it we find instructions on how to live and relate to others, how
to overcome sin, how to navigate life. The manual, God’s word, can make all the
difference in our lives if we admit that by ourselves, we are helpless. When we
follow it, we eliminate some of the stress and strain of this world and can
thus experience the abundant life that the Father has in store for us. Like the
Psalmist, we should hide it in our hearts. Make it a priority to read and study
our life manual – God’s Word.



What are
the dangers that you face by neglecting to read God’s word on a regular basis?

If you
have been neglecting God’s word, what steps will you be willing to take to
making it a priority?

How do
you think this will benefit you?



forgive us of trying to do life our way. We confess that we have missed the
mark by doing things our way. Help us to come into alignment with your will for
our lives by acquainting ourselves with your Word – the manual that you have
given to us. Help us to hide your word in our heart that we might not sin
against you. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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6 responses to “Devotional – Read the Manual”

  1. Unknown Avatar

    Very inspirational message. Thanks Lona, hope I will be able to read daily.

  2. Lona D. Isaacs Avatar

    You are most welcome. Just take it one day at a time.

  3. Unknown Avatar

    A very powerful and applicable message.

  4. Lona D. Isaacs Avatar

    Thank you. When we follow His Word we can never go wrong

  5. Nadine B Avatar
    Nadine B

    Very good word Lona.

  6. Lona Isaacs Avatar

    Thanks Nadine. Glad it blessed you.