Motivational Thought – Perspective


Wanting a change of scenery, I left my desk and sat at another desk across the room. I looked up and realized, to my surprise, that from this new vantage point, the office looked like a totally different place. I could not believe my eyes! Oh, what a change of seat can do!

Life is like that. Our perspective determines the way we view the issues and circumstances of our lives. As the saying goes, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. Where I see a 6, you may see a 9. 

Our exposure, or lack thereof, upbringing, environment, educational level, and socialization are but some of the factors that shape our perspective and which in turn, inform the way we see and experience life.

As we grow and mature, our perspectives change and we view life differently. A change of attitude is often the catalyst that propels us to a new and different level. Indeed, our attitude determines our altitude. 

Do you want to change your life? Change your attitude. Change your perspective.

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