Review of ‘Memorial Stones: Testimonies of God’s Faithfulness and Provision in Times of Need – Volume 1’. 

God Is Good

“God Is Good”- is the greatest understatement EVER!! However, Memorial Stones: Testimonies of God’s Faithfulness and Provision in Times of Need – Volume 1’ offers a unique perspective, reminding us that He INDEED is profoundly good. This book, serving as a powerful source of inspiration and a beacon of hope, uplifts the spirit with its unique insights. But first, let us look at the definition of good. While there were numerous definitions, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the ones that stood out to me most were: 

of a favourable character or tendency;
and that can be relied on.

Despite these standing out to me, I believe that the definitions fail to express who God truly is. God is just, of high standards, wise, capable, to be desired, worthy, and the list goes on. A Simple Formula to Experience God’s Goodness. The testimonies outlined in Memorial Stones: Volume 1 showed the character and tendency of God and how He can be relied on. He came through for the author, Lona Isaacs, time and again. She shared no less than 14 testimonies where God showed up, guided, provided, and protected her throughout her challenges.

But what made Him show up? What was so special about Lona Isaacs that made God do all these miraculous things for her? Would you believe it was as simple as having a relationship with God? What sets her apart is nothing that we all can’t do. She prayed, praised, thanked, and trusted God throughout her journey. As she ministered to us through her testimonies, we were inspired to do just as she did. Bring everything to God first, no matter how small we may think it is because He cares about everything that concerns us (Psalm 138:8, KJV; 1st Peter 5:7, NLT). This simplicity, this accessibility of God’s love and care, gives us hope and encourages us to follow in Lona’s footsteps.

As one book club member said, “No matter how small, do not go on autopilot and start doing things on your own”; instead, “in ALL your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (Psalm 3:6, KJV).Now that we understand the formula, which is as simple as P+P+T+T= having a relationship with God, we too can experience the miracles, signs, and wonders Lona did. From near-death experiences to mental health challenges and even questioning her faith, God was there. He showed up at the right time and even better than she could have imagined.

Highlighting God’s Character and Reliability

God was there and provided for Lona through university for both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees. He offered different places for her to live, even when she worried, and showed up mightily as she bought her own home. God miraculously orchestrated her being able to purchase her first car and the blessing that allowed her to buy an expensive CPAP machine as she battled Sleep Apnea and Upper Airways Resistance Syndrome. God saved her from what could have been a fatal car accident as her car overheated and spun out of control while traversing Spur Tree Hill. While perched at the edge of a precipice, dazed and traumatised, God sent a Good Samaritan to help get her car to cool down and find a mechanic who was not too far away to help. God was there, from promotion to promotion and even settling a salary discrepancy. He further demonstrated His love for her even through the sickness and subsequent death of her father and notably through the tumultuous time she had battling depression.


With all that was said and done, we conclude that GOD. IS. GOOD. “The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.” Lamentations 3: 22-23, NLTI encourage everyone to read this book, whether you are saved or not. It is an excellent example of how believing in and trusting God can help you to weather any storm. His word says, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.” (Isaiah 43:2, NKJV). This book help us to build faith that when we go through life’s challenges, God can and will come through for us, just as He did for Lona.You can still get a copy of Memorial Stones: Testimonies of God’s Faithfulness and Provision in Times of Need – Volume 1” on theSPC Bookshelf:The SPC Bookstore
Meet The Author
Lona Denese Isaacs, originally from St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, is an active member of Fellowship Tabernacle Church in Kingston, serving in various leadership roles. Passionate about helping and motivating others, she shares devotionals, inspirational articles, and offers prayer and counselling.  A trained Librarian and Legislative Editor, Lona holds degrees in English and Library Studies and is the author of the Memorial Stones series. She also contributes to the Life and Godliness E-Devotional and runs the Faith and Life Blog. You can connect with Lona on: Facebook: Instagram: Website: 

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