

It is so important to ALWAYS listen to and obey that still, small voice. This morning I left for work a 6 am. This is a habit that I have cultivated because I am not fond of driving in traffic. I quite prefer to make the sacrifice to get out of bed early and head to work when there is little traffic on the road. The journey is completed in far less time and with no hassle. And that has been true so far, except for today, May 5, 2023, the day Mexico celebrates Cinco de Mayo. 

Yesterday, I received a package for a relative who also happens to be my neighbour. I was unable to deliver it at the time, and so, this morning,  as I walked towards my car, the thought came to me that I should deliver the package before heading out. I quickly brushed the thought aside. I reasoned that if I did so, I would be delayed by a few minutes and as a result, would get caught in traffic. I wanted none of that so I made the decision to deliver the package in the evening after work and headed on my way. 

All was well until about five minutes later when a sudden impact sent my vehicle partially climbing the island in the middle of the road. I had been hit by a Voxy minivan which went had been traveling in the lane next to me. I was shaken up but not hurt and managed to exit the vehicle to see if any damage had been done.

Thankfully, it was minimal. There were a few scratches to the side of my car, but no dents. The driver explained that the vehicle in front of her had braked suddenly and she swerved to avoid a collision and ended up hitting me instead. The driver was visibly shaken and explained that she was not well and was actually on the way to the doctor. 

I am giving thanks, because it could have been far worse. Had I obeyed that still small voice I could have been spared this minor fender bender. But God is faithful and gracious even when we disobey. Thank Him for His mercies which are new every morning (Lamentations 3: 22-23). Like the Mexicans, I can celebrate Cinco de Mayo today.  Today is a day when God showed me His grace and mercy.

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8 responses to “Testimony”

  1. African Queen Avatar

    His mercies and grace are renewed every morning. Thankfully no one was hurt

  2. Lona Isaacs Avatar

    I am thankful. Have a blessed day my sister.

  3. Sybil Brown-Kerr Avatar
    Sybil Brown-Kerr

    God always take care of His children

  4. Lona D. Isaacs Avatar

    So true Sis. For that I am grateful

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    God's grace and mercy is renewed daily, God is truly amazing, He protects his own. He work all things out for our good, ; it could have been worse,all praises to God.👏👏🙌

  6. Lona D. Isaacs Avatar

    Amen. I am indeed grateful to God. His mercies never fail.

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    Thank you Jesus for looking beyond our shortcomings & seeing our needs. You are a Great God. (From Patricia)

  8. Lona Isaacs Avatar

    Amen. God is great. Thanks Pat.