Think on These Things – Forgive and Settle Disputes Quickly


On Friday, September 1, 2023, I lost a friend. A few months prior, we had a small disagreement and we were both upset with each other. We did not see eye to eye on a matter but eventually, good sense prevailed and we apologized to each other, worked it out, and put it behind us. Friendship restored.

Prior to that incident, she had mentioned that she was having some health challenges. After not seeing or hearing from her for a while, I reached out to her but got no answer. I reached out to her daughter who informed me that she had been hospitalized. I reached out again and thankfully was able to contact her. I kept in touch and prayed for her.

After several weeks in hospital, she messaged to say that she was home. As I got home from work that Friday afternoon, she crossed my mind and I made a mental note to visit her on Sunday. She was a Sabbath keeper, and as such, Friday evening and Saturday would not have been appropriate times to call or visit. But that was not to be. Shortly after I got home, I received the devastating news. She had passed away that very morning. My friend was gone and I did not get a chance to say goodbye.

As I reflected on our friendship, I was brought back to the disagreement we had a few months before. Neither of us knew that time was running out for her and I was happy that we had settled our differences while we still had time. The Bible instructs us to settle our differences quickly (Matt 5:25) and to forgive offenses quickly (Colossians 3:13). This is wise counsel that we should follow as we have no control over time, and delaying could be dangerous. Thanks be to God we did not fall into that trap!

What about you? Are you holding on to bitterness, resentment, and anger? Is there someone that you need to forgive? The best time to take corrective action is now. Tomorrow is not promised. Tomorrow may not come for you. Do not be held captive by unforgiveness and pride. Break free and do what is right while you have the opportunity or you may regret it. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. (Matt 11:15)


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6 responses to “Think on These Things – Forgive and Settle Disputes Quickly”

  1. Lona D. Isaacs Avatar

    An important lesson for us to learn

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    I just encouraged someone to apologise to this person she had offended and move on. Then I read this blog. What an Awesome and Amazing God we serve 🙌 🙏

  3. Lona D. Isaacs Avatar

    Glory be to God. He always knows when to send a timely word. Blessings to you!

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    This message is so very true Lorna, we have to guard ourselves that a root of bitterness don’t take a hold of us. Sometimes when we look back on these circumstances we wonder how we could have destroyed friendships over what now looks likes foolishness

  5. Lona Isaacs Avatar

    So true. It's not worth it. We have to learn to let go and let God.