Physical Exercise

What are your favorite physical activities or exercises?

I have been walking consistently for about 5 years now, but since the last 3 months, I have incorporated weight and strength training twice per week. The results have been awesome. I feel more energized and I feel better about myself.

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2 responses to “Physical Exercise”

  1. maximumacd911de81 Avatar

    I love soccer very much and for the record, I’m a serious (Liverpool FC) supporter,so I know what time it is when it comes to the game. I play soccer mostly on Sundays early mornings. Since using the (AMWAY) product I’ve seen much more improvement in myself , it’s like I’m on a different level.

    1. Lona Avatar

      That’s great Mr. Campbell. Physical activity has a wide range of benefits. Those who do not take the time to get exercise are robbing themselves of so many benefits.