woman in gray tank top lying on bed

The Benefits of Sleep

This morning as I made my way to work, I reflected on how energized and clear-headed I felt and thanked God for this amazing gift. You see, for many years I struggled with sleep disorders of various kinds. I know what it feels like to sleep for 8 hours and still wake up tired like I  never slept a wink. I have recounted my ordeal in my book, Memorial Stones: Testimonies of God’s Faithfulness and Provision in Times of Need Vol 1.

Sleep is often overlooked and taken for granted. Many people are of the view that sleep is an option or a luxury, when in fact, it is a necessity. I have heard people say that sleep is a waste of time and that they can sleep when dead. While they are correct about the latter statement, they are not correct about the former. But then, many people are wrong and strong. Ignorance is surely not bliss. On the contrary, sleep is critical for optimal daily function on all levels and depriving yourself of this precious gift will be to your detriment. The Bible tells us that God, in His infinite wisdom, gives His beloved sleep (Psalm 127:2). Why then, do we reject it? Are we wiser than God?

Have you ever had a bad night or two when you didn’t sleep well? How did you feel the next day? … Irritable? Tired? Groggy? Lacking energy? Did you have a headache? Did you have brain fog? I’m sure you did. Now can you imagine that happening regularly? Wouldn’t your health be compromised?

Get your sleep! Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Click here for more information on sleep and how it benefits the body. I wish you well, this Wellness Wednesday. Sweet dreams!

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